About Us

Since its establishment our company has operated as an independent international corporation for the inspection of goods and services of all kinds. INSPEKTA's experience derives from carrying out a wide range of activities in many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. INSPEKTA has also developed its activities through cooperation and contacts with foreign inspection companies and through the establishment of its own representations and offices in various countries of the world. More...


All activities are carried out by experienced workers using thorough knowledge of the standards that apply to the goods being inspected depending on the country of the importer or customer. More...

Services in providing GOST-R and GOST-U certificates and also Custom Union (CU) Declaration. More...

INSPEKTA, a.s. offers its top experts from the ranks of qualified engineers who will carry out supervision, inspection and service activities. More...


MARTINMETAL s.r.o. Martin, VSŽ Unikorn s.r.o. Tornaľa, Liptovské strojárne a.s. Liptovský Mikuláš, LR Crystal a.s. Lednické Rovne, Slovlak a.s. Košeca, Slovnaft-Metalchem a.s. Bratislava, ProCS s.r.o. Šaľa, CEBO Holding a.s. Partizánske, VUKOV EXTRA s.r.o. Prešov, ŽOS a.s. Zvolen, ZVT PRINT a.s. Banská Bystrica, LOVINIT a.s. Lovinobaňa, TELCO Systems s.r.o. Banská Bystrica, More...


Inspekta Slovakia, a.s.


Zelinárska 2, P.O.BOX 56
820 16 Bratislava 216


+421 (2) 555 733 71


+421 (2) 555 733 75


+421 (904) 185 612




